Are You Ready to Open Up to Trust, Happiness & Joy?

Are You Ready to Open Up to Trust, Happiness & Joy?

I've had my share of profound unhappiness. When it hits, I'm always struck by its enormity and completeness, like a hurricane that moves in and devastates until there is nothing left of what was touched. For the record, I'm not talking about depression. I'm talking about reliving low points, like family dysfunction, poisonous relationships, infertility, [...]

Mindfulness & the All-Time Best Definition of Success

"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To give of one's self; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a [...]

Mindful Monday – Laughter

Comedy is defiance. It's a snort of contempt in the face of fear and anxiety. And it's the laughter that allows hope to creep back on the inhale. Will DurstWhen cancer anger, stress, or loneliness has you in its grip, it feels as if you are living in the moment. Right now, at this very moment, you are miserable. If you are [...]

I’m Not a Young Adult, but “Wrong Way to Hope” Spoke My Language

I’m Not a Young Adult, but “Wrong Way to Hope” Spoke My Language

If I had my wish (and curing cancer wasn’t an option), I’d wish every cancer survivor was surrounded by an unbroken circle of support from the moment their cancer experience began.   If we’re lucky, we have family and friends, but we learn fast that they are only able to understand so much.  What we also [...]