How to Live the Fearless Life You Deserve

How to Live the Fearless Life You Deserve

For me, the opposite of scarcity is not abundance. It's enough. I'm enough. Brene Brown  I admit it. I have a scarcity mentality. You'd think I worry a lot about money (sometimes I do), but the resource that strikes fear in my heart most often is time. As in "there is never enough time." "I [...]

Six Things You Need to Find Your Divine, Female Creative Power of Reinvention

Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order. Virginia Wolf I closed out 2012 with 3 Lessons Learned: Finding Peace in the Midst of Tragedy and a bit of depression. Now, I have a wicked cold picked up right after Christmas. Given the pitiful lows of 2012, it seems appropriate, doesn't it? [...]

Six Truths I’ve Learned About Resilience

Six Truths I’ve Learned About Resilience

We do survive every moment, after all, except the last one. John Updike What does surviving every moment teach us? Quite simply, that we are resilient. If you're like me, you've had your share of challenges. Cancer is certainly up there on the list, but it's not the only entry. You've been around the block [...]

Summer’s Over! Time to Face the Next “New Normal”

The time is finally here! Our daughter is off to college and we're facing yet another "new normal."  Because this week has been devoted exclusively to spending time with her, I didn't make time to write a new post. Instead, I thought I'd rerun the piece I wrote last year entitled "What the Last Weekend of [...]