Katherine Russell Rich Dies at 56

I discovered Katherine Russell Rich in January when I stumbled across an April 2010 New York Time’s article she wrote entitled, “17 Years Later, Stage 4 Survivor Is Savoring a Life Well Lived.” Katherine is the author of “Dreaming in Hindi: Coming Awake in Another Language” and “The Red Devil: To Hell With Cancer — and Back.”  The NYT article began with her revelation that [...]

Cancer Warriors Wednesday – Cancer Hope Network

Cancer Warriors Wednesday – Cancer Hope Network

We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing. Billy Graham Sharing my story with other cancer patients/survivors is the most effective way I've found to give back for all the support I received when I felt alone. That's why I'm a big fan of the Cancer Hope Network and proud to [...]

The Survivor’s Nest – A Very Special Courageous Woman with Cancer

The Survivor’s Nest – A Very Special Courageous Woman with Cancer

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Mark Twain I'm doing something I've never done before with today's Survivor's Nest post - I'm talking about a person. This is a courageous woman with cancer who doesn't even have a nest of her own - she is homeless right now and [...]

Five Decorator Tricks to Bring Cheer and Healing Into Your Nest

The Survivor's Nest series is very special to me, as an interior decorator and a cancer survivor. As an interior decorator, I've always approached my work with the belief that a house isn't a home until it provides a soft place to land at the end of a stressful day. Living with cancer only intensified [...]